Velen onder ons D.V.M.A. Lidjes maken foto's en ook hele fraaie
Anderen weer helemaal niet en dat is best wel jammer.
Gelukkige zijn er nog andere enthousiaste" Motorcycle Artists "...

Onlangs kreeg ik een mailtje uit Australië...
Thanks for the great website.
I am sure it takes al lot of your time but it is fun.
I am sure it takes al lot of your time but it is fun.
I am a motorcycle artist. Please have a look at my website,
I think you might find it interesting.
It is just new so any feedback would be much appreciated.
Good riding and kind Regards
I think you might find it interesting.
It is just new so any feedback would be much appreciated.
Good riding and kind Regards

*(I have a real the same one For Sale) !
Hi George,
Yes I live in Australia but I was born in Den Haag,
I came to Australia when I was four years old many moons ago.
I still have good contact with relatives there.
Yes I live in Australia but I was born in Den Haag,
I came to Australia when I was four years old many moons ago.
I still have good contact with relatives there.
I have been back to Holland four times and have loved it...
very interesting to see how it has changed every time.
I have not been for a while since I have had a family.
My relatives tell me it is not the Holland I know anymore.
very interesting to see how it has changed every time.
I have not been for a while since I have had a family.
My relatives tell me it is not the Holland I know anymore.
Still it is a special place for me, and always will be I guess.
That would be great to do a blog about me.
In these hard economic times much of my work has gone so
I have had time to do what I really love and
that is to draw vintage and classic motorcycles.
I have met many interesting people through my drawing adventures.
That would be great to do a blog about me.
In these hard economic times much of my work has gone so
I have had time to do what I really love and
that is to draw vintage and classic motorcycles.
I have met many interesting people through my drawing adventures.

Have a look at my website and recent blog,
there are more pictures added all the time.
It is very nice to have contact with someone from the old country,
and a fellow motorcycle-enthusiast as well...
Thanks again for your site.
All the best from down under,
Kind Regards.
Gaston Vanzet.
Gaston Vanzet.
a videoclip...
Reactie van Gaston:
Thanks so much George it is fabulous....well done.
I appreciate your efforts very much.
I hope you have fun to and we get some good feed back from it.
I will put a link to it on my blog.
Kind Regards


Motoring George Spauwen

Victrace Sitebuilding